Monday, May 2, 2011

Leu Gardens

Travel Post #22: If you have a few moments to “stop and smell the roses” one afternoon, I would recommend spending that well deserved time at Leu Gardens.

Leu Gardens was started by Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Leu in 1936. They traveled all over the world and brought back exotic plants and flowers for their beloved gardens. The gardens that started back in 1936 are frequently visited by Orlando residents and those stopping by during their travels.
At the gardens you will find azaleas, bamboo, bananas, camellias, citrus, Crepe Myrtle, herbs, perennials, vegetables and much more. The most aesthetically appealing section of Leu Gardens is the rose gardens. Many weddings and picnics take place in an open area nestled next to the roses and the butterfly garden.
History Behind the Rose Garden: “Mary Jane's Rose Garden is named after Mrs. Leu, whose favorite flower was the rose. She planted her first roses by the lake, and in 1944 a small rose garden was developed on the site where the current garden is located. Over 215 varieties and 650 roses are displayed in this garden.”

Check Out Their Website: