Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bayview Gourmet

"Life is too short; eat dessert first."

Travel Post #13: Bayview Gourmet is located in the heart of Ocean Springs, Mississippi. A few options off of their menu include:
  • Crabber Burger: Grilled Gulf Coast lump crab cake, dressed, topped with provolone cheese
  • Kotzum Avenue: Homemade fresh Quiche with crab, asparagus, mushroom, and spinach or ham and swiss.
  • Fried Green Tomato BLT (my favorite): Toasted wheat bery bread with fried green tomatoes, crispy bacon, lettuce, and a garlic mayo

New Years Day 2011: We visited the restuarant on January 1st of this year and were pleasantly surprised with complimentary black-eyed peas (those who know me are aware that I wasn't pleasantly surprised, but others were). This is how Southerns prepare for the New Year. In the South, eating black-eyed peas is thought to bring prosperity and good luck. While we were eating lunch, a local news reporter came to talk to us about our traditions for New Years Day. We made sure to bring up the Pennsylvania tradition that includes eating pork and sauerkraut.
"Pennsylvania Dutch superstition says that eating pork brings good luck because a pig roots forward to look for its food, while chickens scratch backward and cows stand still."

Check Out Their Website:

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