Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cozumel, Mexico

Travel Post #24:

Balneario! Snorkeling! Shopping!

Cozumel, Mexico is a frequently visited destination when aboard cruise ships leaving from Florida. As soon as ships dock people flood to the shopping and scheduled tours. I personally have stayed near the ship to enjoy the beach, shopped until I dropped, propped myself up at numerous local bars for my favorite drinks of choice, rented buggy to drive to a remote location for snorkeling… and the list continues. There is always something to keep you busy in Cozumel!

Shopping: Cozumel has been given a superlative rating (by me) when it comes to knock-off jewelry and Caribbean Topaz.

Snorkeling: Renting a beach buggy in port then driving out the Punta Sur to snorkel is an adventurous way to see the city. They will take you by a lighthouse that you can climb as well.

Ziplining: I actually went ziplining in Cancun, Mexico, but this audacious activity has become a wide-spread epidemic in Mexico. Numerous travelers all over Mexico strap into their gear and hit the ropes!

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