Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Travel Post #27: Ephesus

In the heart of Izmir, Turkey a historical wonder was erected in approximately 2000 BC. Ephesus was famed for the Temple of Artemis which is one the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Facts about Ephesus:

  • In the 1st century BC, Ephesus was the second largest city in the world

  • The temple was destroyed in 401 AD by a mob

  • Emperor Constantine I rebuilt much of the city

  • Partial destruction was caused by an earthquake in 614 AD

  • Ephesus was one of the seven churches of Asia that are cited in the Book of Revelation

  • Two main features are: the House of Love (Brothel) and the Library of Celsus

  • One of the most magnificent buildings is the Great Theatre -- the largest in Asia Minor

  • The Temple of Artemis has 127 ionic style columns with ornamented raised relief design

  • The House of the Virgin is believed to be the location of where the Virgin Mary passed away

A few downfalls: Ephesus is unceasingly crowded with onlookers at all times. We struggled to take a family photo without having 10 other strangers peering into the camera as well. Uneven terrain makes it difficult to maneuver and the heat was unbearable during the month of May. BRING WATER! Oh, and what is up with the "paying to use the restroom" concept? Don't get me wrong, the historical landmark was well worth the battle of the fittest!

Check Out Their Website:

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